الاثنين، 27 ديسمبر 2010

Science & Technology

University of Minnesota research leads to new technology to protect human health http://www1.umn.edu/news/news-... Scientific develops a rapid-response melamine test kit using an enzyme identified by researchers in Professor Larry Wackett's lab in the BioTechnology Institute at the College of Biological Sciences. Milk and baby formula adulterated with melamine, added to boost yield, caused thousands of children to become ill in China. The field kit allows for testing for melamine at the source before widespread contamination can occur.
Channel: Science & Technology
Uploaded: December 31, 1969 at 3:59 pm
Author: umncbs

Length: 06:01
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Views: 879

IE 7 Knowledge Base Articles & Resources

مرجعك الشامل لصيانة برنامج | Internet Explorer Browser مقدم من : افهم كمبيوتر
IE 7 Knowledge Base Articles & Resources
SmartCleaner will clean & speed up your computer. Great for beginners

Error message when you try to install Internet Explorer 7: "Internet Explorer could not be installed"

How to perform a repair installation of WinXP if IE7 is installed

When you use Internet Explorer 7 to visit a Web site, you may receive error messages that state that you do not have the most current version of Internet Explorer

How to use Reset Internet Explorer Settings (RIES):

The Compose Message form stops responding after you install IE7 and the S/MIME control on an Outlook Web Access client in Exchange Server 2003

You receive a security warning in Internet Explorer 7 when you visit a Web page that is hosted on a secure Web site

The Read Mail toolbar button is not visible in Internet Explorer

Error message when you start Internet Explorer 7 or try to access a Web site: "Internet Explorer cannot display the Webpage"

RSS feeds may not be updated in Internet Explorer 7

In Internet Explorer 7, RSS feeds are not listed, or you cannot subscribe to RSS feeds

Internet Explorer 7 does not start correctly or stops responding unexpectedly

Icons that are associated with the current version of Internet Explorer are incorrect after you install or uninstall Internet Explorer 7

The installation of Windows Internet Explorer 7 never finishes

Availability of Windows Internet Explorer 7

Additional articles

Diagnosing and resolving problems with Tabbed Browsing in IE7:

Internet Explorer 7 is stuck at the first run welcome page

IE7 - will it be installed automatically on SBS2003 R2 systems running WSUS in its default configuration?

Make HP Director software play nice with IE7:

Fix: Problems with IE and NitroPDF:

Keyboard shortcuts for IE7:

Windows Search Guide in IE7

Slow Start Up


Information Index for IE7

Internet Explorer 7 Quick Reference Guide

EnhanceIE.com - Add-ons, Tweaks, Troubleshooting & more

IE7 Solutions Center

Source and to keep current on IE 7 changes:
MS-MVP Sandi Hardemeir


FIX: IE 7 Installation Failure: Access Denied
This is a variation on a much written about "fix."
The original fix was suggested back in the XP Service Pack 2 installation days, (and can be found on the AUMHA site here:
http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=8125) and has been resurrected as an approach to IE 7 installation errors involving Access Denied in the installation logs.
Unfortunately, that "fix" can take hours -- even days -- depending on the size of your hard drive and the number of folders.
It also does nothing about Ownership or ACEs on the registry. The following takes just a minute to run, and then you will be able to successfully install IE.

Here is my modified 'fix' that has been tested:

First, download, unzip and move to \Windows\System32 the files:



Second, open notepad, and copy/paste the following:

subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /setowner=administrators
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /setowner=administrators
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /setowner=administrators
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f

regini C:\reg_fix.txt


REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Cached" /v "{A4DF5659-0801-4A60-9607-1C48695EFDA9} {00214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 0x401" /t REG_DWORD /d 1

Do a File, Save as, C:\fix_reg.cmd

Third, open notepad again and paste the following:

\Registry\Machine\Software [1 5 10]
\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer [1 5 10]
\Registry\Machine\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl [1 5 10]

Do a File, Save, c:\reg_fix.txt

Fourth, as Adminitrator use Control Panel, User Accounts, to create a brand new Administrator priviliged user.
Logout and logon as this new user;
Now reboot XP, and start hitting the F8 function key early and often;
In the Advanced Boot Menu that appears, choose Safe Mode with Networking, and logon as the newly created Administrator-type user
Fifth, do a Start, Run, cmd
CD \

Reboot when finished. Again hit the F8 functioin key early and often and again logon in Safe Mode with Networking as the New user created earlier.

Finally Install IE 7.

Regards to all.

IE6 and IE7 Running on a Single Machine?
IE6 and IE7 Running on a Single Machine (for developers)

Sourced from Get Windows XP Free Virtually, With a Catch

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لموقع | افهم كمبيوتر | www.efhamcomputer.com

an ALT Character

Special ALT Characters§
efham computer
The chart below is a graphic image of how all the characters should look. 
Note:  Not all programs, applications and browsers will recognize all of the Special ALT Characters.
شرح كتابة الرموز | اتفرج على الفيديو
§To obtain an ALT Character:
  1. Make certain that the Num Lock key has been pressed to activate the numeric key section of the keyboard.
  2. Depress the Alt key.
  3. While the Alt key is depressed, type the proper sequence of
  4. numbers (on the numeric keypad) of the ALT code from the table above.
  5. Release the Alt key, and the character will appear.

Copyright © by efham computer  All rights reserved.

The efham Dictionary


AA - against actuals
AAPP - average all pig price (UK)
ABB - Association des Banques Belges (see also BBA, BVB)
ABI - Association of Italian Bankers
AE - account executive
AFBD - Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers (UK)
AFFM - Austrlian Financial Futures Market
AFOF - authorised futures and options funds (UK)
AIBD - Association of International Bond Dealers (now called International Securities Market Association)
AON - all or none
AMEX - American Stock Exchange
AOM - Australian Options Market
APT - automated pit trading system (LIFFE)
AP - associated person
ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials
ASX - Australian Stock Exchange
ASXD - Australian Stock Exchange Derivatives
ATA - Agrarische Termijnmarkt Amsterdam (Netherlands)
ATM - at-the-money (options)
ATS - automated trade system (New Zealand, NZFOE)
ATX - Austrian Traded Index

[ top ]


BBA - British Bankers Association
BBA - Belgian Bankers' Association (see also BVB, ABB)
BBAISR - British Bankers Association Interest Settlement Rate
BBF - Bolsa Brasileira de Futuros
BCC - Banque Centrale de Compensation (France, contracts clearer for MATIF)
Bel-20 - stock index (Belgium, Brussels Stock Exchange)
Belfox - Belgian Futures abd Options Exchange
BFE - Baltic Futures Exchange (UK)
BFI - Baltic Freight Index
BIS - Bank for International Settlements
BM&ampF - Bolsade Mercadorias and Futuros Exchange
Bobl - bundesobligation (Germany, govt 5 yr bond)
BOJ - Bank of Japan
BOVESPA - Bolsas de Valores de Sao Paulo
BSI - British Standards Institute
BTAN - Bons du Trésor à Intéret Annuel Normalisé (French government treasury notes)
BUBOR - Budapest Interbank Offered Rate BTP - buoni del Tesoro Poliennali (Italian treasury bonds)
BVB - Belgische Vereniging van Banken (see also BBA, ABB)
BVRJ - Bolsa de Valores do Rio de Janeiro

[ top ]


CAC-40 - Compagnie des Agents de Change-40 (French stock index)
CAD - Capital Adequacy Directive CBOE - Chicago Board Options Exchange (US)
CBOT - Chicago Board of Trade (US)
CCC - Commodity Credit Corporation (US)
CCIFP - Chambre de Compensation des Instruments Financiers de Paris (France, clearing house for MATIF)
CD - certificate of deposit
CDI - Certificado de Depsito Interbancrio (Brazil) CDR - collateralized depository receipt
CEA - Commodity Exchange Authority (US, replaced by CFTC in 1975)
Cedel - Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs mobiles(euromarket clearing system in Luxembourg)
C&ampF - cost and freight
CFTC - Commodities Futures Trading Commission (US)
CFO - cancel former order
CHAPS - Clearing House Automated Payment System (UK bankers clearing house)
CHIPS - Clearing House Interbank Payments Systems (US system of electronic bank transfers)
CIBOR - Copenhagen interbank offered rate (Denmark)
CIF - cost, insurance and freight
CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange (US)
CMO - collateralized mortgage obligation (US)
COMEX - Commodity Exchange (US)
CORES - computer assisted order routing and execution system (Japan, TSE)
CPI - consumer price index
CPO - commodity pool operator (US)
CPS - clearing processing system (UK, LIFFE)
CRB - Commodity Research Bureau (US)
CSCE - Coffe, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange (US)
CTA - commodity trading adviser (US)
ctd - cheapest to deliver
CTR - computerized trading reconstruction system (US, CBOT)

[ top ]


DA - discretionary account
DAX - deutsche Aktienindex - (German stock index)
Dibid - Dublin interbank bid rate
DIE - designated investment exchange (UK)
DMI - direct member input (UK, LIFFE)
DSR - delivery status report
DTB - Deutsche Terminborse (Germany, derivatives exchange in Frankfurt)
DTI - Department of Trade and Industry (UK)
DVP - delivery versus payment

[ top ]


ECHO - Exchange Clearing House (for foreign exchange derivatives)
EDS - enter day stop order
EDSP - exchange delivery settlement price
EEP - exports enhancement programme (US)
EFP - exchange for physicals
EFS - exchange of futures for swaps
EOE - European Options Exchange (Netherlands, derivatives exchange in Amsterdam)
EOS - enter stop order
ERA - exchange rate agreement
ETO - exchange traded option

[ top ]


FAS - free alongside ship
FAST - fast automated screen trading (UK, LCE)
FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany, newspaper and stock index)
FCOJ - frozen concentrated orange juice
FIBOR - Frankfurt interbank offered rate
FIEX-35 - stock index (Spain)
FIMBRA - Financial Intermediaries Managers and Brokers Authority (UK)
FINEX - a division of the New York Cotton Exchange (US)
f.o.b. - free on board
FOFs - futures and options funds
FOK - fill or kill order
FOM - Finnish Options Market
f.o.r. - free on rail
FOX - London Futures and Options Exchange (UK, now re-named London Commodity Exchange)
FRA - forward rate agreement
FRN - floating rate note
FSA - financial services act (UK)
FSA - forward spread agreement
FTA - Financiele Termijnmarket Amsterdam (Netherlands, derivatives exchange in Amsterdam)
FTSE-100 - Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 stock index (UK)
FUTOP - Copenhagen Stock Exchange and Guaranteed Fund for Danish options and Futures (Denmark)
FX - foreign exchange
FXA - foreign exchange agreement

[ top ]


G-10 - ten leading world industrial nations
GD - good for the day order
GEMM- gilt-edged market maker (UK)
GEMx - German Equity Market index (contract traded on OMLX)
GFOF - geared futures and options fund
GLOBEX - Global Electronic Exchange (developed by CME, CBOT, MATIF and Reuters)
GNMA - Government National Mortgage Association (US)
GNP - gross national product
GTC - good till cancelled order

[ top ]


HFO - heavy fuel oil
Hibid - Hong Kong interbank bid rate
Hibor - Hong Kong interbank offered rate
HKFE - Hong Kong Futures Exchange
HSI - Hang Seng Index (Hong Kong)

[ top ]


IBEX-35 - stock index (Spain)
ICC - Intermarket Clearing Corporation
ICCH - International Commodities Clearing House
IDB - intermediary dealer broker
Idem - Italian Derivatives Market
IFOX - Irish Futures and Options Exchange
IMI - International Market Index (US, AMEX)
IML - Institut Montaire Lunxembourgeois IMM - International Monetary Market (US, CME)
IMRO - Investment Managers' Regulatory Authority (UK)
INS - institutional net settlements
IOC - immediate or cancel order
IOM - Index and Options Market (US, CME)
IPE - International Petroleum Exchange (UK)
IRG - interest rate guarantee
ISDA - International Swaps and Derivatives Association
ISE - International Stock Exchange (UK, formerly the London Stock Exchange))
ISEQ - Irish Stock Exchange equity index
ISMA - International Securities Market Association
ITM - in the money (options)

[ top ]


JEC - Joint Exchanges Committee - (UK)
JGB - Japanese Government Bond

[ top ]


Kanex - Kansai Agricultural Commodities Exchange
KCBT - Kansas City Board of Trade (US)
KLCE - Kuala Lumpur Commodity Exchange (Malaysia)
KLOFFE - Kuala Lumpur Options & Financial Futures Exchange (Malaysia)
KRE - Kobe Rubber Exchange
KSE - Korea Stock Exchange

[ top ]


LAUTRO - Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Authority (UK)
LCE - London Commodity Exchange (UK)
LCH - London Clearing House (UK)
LDB - liquidity data bank (US, CBOT)
LEAPS - long term rquity anticipation sevurities (US)
LEPO - low exercise price options (Switzerland, SOFFEX)
Libid - London interbank bid or deposit rate (UK)
Libor - London interbank offered rate (UK)
LIFFE - London Interntional Financial Futures and Options Exchange (UK)
LME - London Metal Exchange (UK)
LOCH - London Options Clearing House
LPG - liquid petroleum gas
LSE - London Stock Exchange
LTOM - London Traded Options Market (UK, now part of LIFFE)

[ top ]


MAS - Monetary Authority of Singapore
MATIF - Marché à Terme International de France
MBS - mortgage backed security
ME - Montreal Exchange
MEFF Renta Fija - derivatives exchange in Barcelona, Spain
MEFF Renta Variable - derivatives exchange in Madrid, Spain
MERFOX - Mercadode Futuros y Opciones (Argentina, derivatives exchange in Buenos Aires)
MGE - Minneapolis Grain Exchange
MGMI - Metallgezellschaft Metals Index (UK, Fox)
Mibid - Madrid interbank bid rate
Mibor - Madrid interbank offered rate
MIB 30 - Milano Indice Borsa (Italian Stock Index) MidAm - MidAmerica Commodity Exchange (US, Chicago)
MIF - Mercato Italiano Futures (Italy, derivatives exchange)
MIFE - Manila International Futures Exchange (Philipines)
MIT - market if touched order
MKT - market order
MLC - Meat and Livestock Commission (UK)
MMI - Major Market Index (US, contract on CBOT, Amex, EOE)
MOC - market on close order
MOF - Ministry of Finance (Japan)
Mofex - Mercado de Opciones (Spain)
MQP - mandatory quote period
MSCI - Morgan Stanley Capital Index

[ top ]


NASD - National Assocaiation of Securities Dealers (US)
NASDAQ - National Assocation of Securities Dealers Automated Quote System (US)
NFA - National Futures Association (US)
NOB - notes over bonds (US, CBOT)
NSE - Nagoya Stock Exchange (Japan)
NYBID - New York interbank bid rate (US)
NYBOR - New York interbank offered rate (US)
NYCE - New York Cotton Exchange (US)
NYFE - New York Futures Exchange (US)
NYMEX - New York Mercantile Exchange (US)
NYSE - New York Stock Exchange (US)
NZFOE - New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange

[ top ]


OAT - obligations assumilables de trésor (France, government bonds)
OBO - order book official (US)
OBX - Oslo Stock Exchange (Norway)
OCC - Options Clearing Corporation (US)
OCO - one cancels the other order
OFT - Office of Fair Trading (UK)
OGE - Osaka Grain Exchange (Japan)
OIE - Overseas Investment Exchange
OIP - offical index period
OM - OM Stockholm Fondkommission (Sweden, options market)
OML - (former name of OMLX)
OMLX - The London Securities and Derivatives Exchange
OMS - margin system on OMLX
OMX - Option Market Index (Sweden, equity index)
OPEC - Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSE - Osaka Securities Exchange (Japan)
OTC - over the counter
OTM - out of the money (options)
OTOB - Oesterreichische Termin und Optionborse (Austria, derivatives exchange in Vienna)
OTT - over the top (warrant)

[ top ]


P&ampS - purchase and sale (statement from broker)
PBOT - Phildelphia Board of Trade (US)
PHLX - Philiadelphia Stock Exchange
PIBOR - Paris interbank offered rate
PLO - public limit order (UK, LTOM)
PLOB - public limit oder board (UK, LTOM)
PMB - Potato Marketing Board (UK)
POM - public order member
PPS - protecte payments system
PPI - producer price index
PRS - price reporting system
PSE - Pacific Stock Exchange (US, LA and San Francisco)

[ top ]



RAES - retail automated execution system (US, CBOT)
RCH - recognised clearing house (UK)
RCR - registered commodity representative (US)
RFC - registered floor clerk
RFT - registered floor trader
RIE - recognised investment exchange (UK)
RLO - retsricted life option ((UK, LIFFE)
ROT - registered options trader
RPB - recognised professional body
RPI - retail price index
RSI relative strength indicator (technical analysis)

[ top ]


SAEF - Stock Exchange Automated Execution Facility (UK, LSE)
SAFE - simulation analysis of financial exposure (US, CBOT)
SAFE - synthetic agreement for forward exchange
SAFEX - South African Futures Exchange
SCMS - Société de Compensation des Marchés Conditionnels (France, operator of MONEP)
SDA - Stanza di Compensazione Titoli (Italy, settlement agency)
SDR - special drawing rights
SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEAQ - Stock Exchange Automated Quotation System (UK, LSE)
SEHK - Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
SEPON - Stock Exchange Pool Nominees (UK, part TALISMAN settlement system)
SES - Singapore Stock Exchange
SET - Securities Exchange of Thailand
SFA - Securities and Futures Authority (UK)
SFE - Sydney Futures Exchange
SIB - Securities and Investments Board (UK)
SIMEX - Singapore International Monetary Exchange
SMR - standard Malaysian rubber
SOFFEX - Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange
S&ampP100,500 - stock indices (US)
SPAN - standard portfolio analysis of margin
SQQ - standard qulaity quotation (UK)
SRO - Self Regulatory Organisation
STI - Straits Times Index (Singapore, stock index)
SWIFT - (system of electronic bank transfers)
SWINGS - sterling warrants into gilt-edged securities
SYCOM - Sydney computerised overnight market

[ top ]


TALISMAN - transfer account lodgement for investors, stock management for market-makers (UK, equities settlement system)
TAURUS - (UK, share registration system cancelled in 1993)
TED - (TED spread) US T-bond / eurodollar spread strategy
TGE - Tokyo Grain Exchange (Japan)
TIBOR - Tokyo interbank offered rate (Japan)
TIFFE - Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange (Japan)
TIMS - theoretical indicatve margin system (US)
TOCOM - Tokyo Commodity Exchange (Japan)
TOPIC - teletex output of price informationby computer (UK, videotext stock price network)
TRS - trade registration system (UK, LIFFE)
TSE - Tokyo Stock Exchange
TSE - Toronto Stock Exchange

[ top ]


USDA - United States Department of Agriculture

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VIBOR - Vienna interbank offered rate
VSE - Vancouver Stock Exchange (Canada)

[ top ]


WCE - Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
WI - when issued
WTI - west Texas crude (oil)

Enable/Disable Autorun

Enable/Disable Autorun

How To Enable/Disable Autorun (Windows 95/98/Me)

  1. Access the System Properties Dialog. Using Control Panel: My Computer: Properties or Explorer: My Computer: Properties.

  2. Select the Device Manager tab.

  3. Select the CD-ROM folder.

  4. Select the entry for your CD-ROM drive.

  5. Select Properties.

  6. Select the Settings tab.

  7. Turn on or off the Auto insert notification option.

  8. Select OK.

  9. Select OK

How To Enable/Disable Autorun (Windows NT/2000)

  1. Start RegEdit (regedt32.exe).

  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/Cdrom.

  3. Edit the Autorun value to '1' to enable autorn, and '0' to disable autorun.

  4. Close RegEdit

How To Enable/Disable Autorun (Windows XP)

  1. Open Windows Explorer by pressing the Windows + "e" key.

  2. Right-click the desired CD-ROM and select Properties from the menu.

  3. Select the AutoPlay tab.

  4. Select each item from the pulldown list and for the Action to perform, select "Take no action" to disable autorun, or pick the apporpriate action to take if enabling autorun.

  5. Select OK.

How To Enable Autorun for Other Removable Media

Autorun can be enabled or disabled for all Removable media types, such as a floppy or Zip disk. Windows systems are configured to enable CD Notification, other removable media are by default disabled.
The System Properties User interface only exposes the CD Enable or Disable selection. The setting reflected in this dialog makes an entry in the System Registry. It is in this same location that other media types are configured.
  1. Modifiying the Registry is not for the inexperienced user. Anyone will tell you, be VERY careful.
  2. The modifications made in this case use Hex not Decimal numbers. If you are unfamiliar with the Registry or the characteristics of base numbering and Hex, studying these topics prior to making these modifications is advisable. 
To Modify these Registry Settings, Use Regedit and navigate to the following Key:
The default value for the setting is 95 0 0 0. Change the first byte to 91. Restart the computer to make the new setting take effect. You may have to right-click on the floppy and choose AutoPlay from the menu to see the AutoPlay behavior.

Additional Technical Info

The first byte defines which drive types to EXCLUDE from Autorun behavior. The hex value of the byte is the sum of all of the drive type values to exclude + 128.
DRIVE_REMOVABLE 4 (floppy disks and removable cartridges)
DRIVE_FIXED 8 (hard disks)
DRIVE_REMOTE 16 (network drives)
The default configuration excludes UNKNOWN (1), REMOVABLE (4) and REMOTE (16) which would be 16 + 4 + 1 + 128 = 149, which is hex 95. If you take out REMOVABLE you get 16 + 1 + 128 = 145, which is hex 91.
The calculation for this value is 1 + 4 + 16 + 128 = 149. 149 Decimal is 95 Hex
The new calculation is 1 + 16 + 128 = 145. 149 Decimal is 91 Hex
You may have to restart for the system to recognize a floppy or Zip as an Autoplay drive. If your floppy drive does not show a custom icon or AutoPlay in the menu when right-clicked, double-click on the icon for your computer on the desktop and press F5 to refresh the information in the Explorer window. Zips and floppies will not autolaunch when media is inserted. You must double-click their icon or right-click and choose AutoPlay from the menu.

Windows XP Services

Display name Service key name Description Introduced Active Directory Service NTDS Network Authentication Management Windows 2000 Server Alerter service Alerter Sends administrative alerts over the network to client computers, administrators and users. Windows NT Application Layer
Gateway service
ALG Provides support for plugins that allow network protocols to pass through Windows Firewall and work behind Internet Connection Sharing. Windows 2000 Application Management AppMgmt Processes requests to enumerate, install, and remove applications that are installed on the computer or deployed through an organization’s network. Windows 2000 Background Intelligent
Transfer Service
BITS Transfers files between machines using idle network bandwidth. Used by Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services, and Systems Management Server to deliver software updates to clients, as well as by Windows Messenger. Windows XP Computer Browser Browser Crawls neighboring computers on the network and locates shared resources. One of the computers acts as the Master Browser and supplies this information to other computers designated as browsers.[1] Windows for Workgroups Distributed Link Tracking TrkWks, TrkSrv Used to track links to files on NTFS volumes. Windows uses these services to find linked files if they are renamed or moved (locally or to another machine).[2] Windows 2000 Distributed Transaction
MSDTC Allows transactional components to be configured through COM+ by coordinating transactions that are distributed across multiple computers and/or resource managers, such as databases, message queues, file systems, and other transaction–based resource managers.[3] Windows 2000 and later NT-based DNS Client and Server DNSCache/DNS The client service resolves and caches DNS names. The DNS server performs DNS name resolution. Client in Windows 2000 and later NT-based,
Server in Windows NT 4.0 and later NT-based Event Log EventLog Stores and retrieves events that can be viewed in the event viewer. Part of services.exe.[4] Windows NT Extensible Authentication Protocol EAPHost Provides EAP authentication to connecting clients Windows 2000 Indexing Service CISVC Indexes contents and properties of files on local and remote computers; provides rapid access to files through flexible querying language.[5] Windows 2000 and later NT-based Network Location Awareness NLA Manages network configurations and information, and notifies applications of changes. Windows XP NTLM Security Support Provider NTLMSSP Uses the NTLM MS-CHAP protocol to encapsulate and negotiate options in order to provide signed and sealed communication. Deprecated now in favor of Kerberos authentication. Windows NT PNRP PNRPSvc Resolves domain names using PNRP. Windows XP Plug and Play PlugPlay Enables autodetection and configuration of hardware. Windows 2000 Print Spooler Spooler Manages printer devices and moves files into memory for printing. Windows 95, Windows NT Secondary Logon (Run As...) SecLogon Allows users to run programs with a different account than the one they logged in with. Allows non-administrative accounts to perform administrative tasks.[6] Security Account Manager SamSs Manages user account security information. Windows NT family System Event Notification SENS Monitors system events, such as network, power, logon, logoff, terminal services session connection and disconnection, and delivers these to applications and other system components.[7] Windows 2000 Task Scheduler Schedule Lets users setup and schedule automated tasks. Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper LmHosts Enables support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution. Windows NT family Windows Audio AudioSrv Manages audio devices for Windows-based programs. Controls all audio functions. Windows XP Windows Error Reporting WERSvc Generates error logs and reports errors. On Windows Vista and later, it notifies of solutions. Windows XP Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) STISvc Handles scanner and camera inputs. Windows Me Windows Time W32Time Synchronizes the system time with external time servers. From Windows Server 2003 forward, full and compliant NTP support is provided.[8] Windows 2000 Windows Update WUAUServ Provides updates for the operating system and its installed components. Windows XP Wireless Zero Configuration WZCSvc (XP), WLANSvc Configures and manages 802.11 wireless adapters. Windows XP, Server 2003 only Messenger service Messenger Allows users to send pop-up messages to other computers over the network. Windows NT family MSRPC RpcSs Provides Remote Procedure Call (RPC) technique via remotely accessible Named Pipes. Windows NT family Volume Shadow Copy Service VSS Create multiple versions of files that change. Gained ability to store persistent snapshots in Windows Server 2003.[9] Windows XP WebClient[10] Enables Windows-based programs to create and interact with Internet-based files. Windows XP Windows Firewall/
Internet Connection Sharing SharedAccess Internet Connection Sharing (Firewall) Windows 2000

الخميس، 23 ديسمبر 2010

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
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بعد كده

اعمل افتح البرنامج , هتلاقي الايقونة بتاعته ظهرت على سطح المكتب بعد التثبيت

اما تفتحه هتلاقيه فتح جنب الساعة  , اضغط عليه كليك يمين وبعدين Connect

وبعدين اصبر عليه شوية هيعمل كونكت وبعدين الايقونة بتاعته تبقى لونها اخضر , اضغط Hide
وعيش بقى على النت براحتك , بدون اي قيود

ودي سرعة الدون لود من فودافون

الثلاثاء، 21 ديسمبر 2010

خطوات مهمه للحصول على جهاز سريع وصحي | علشان تعرف تستمتع بخدمات بلوشي

اليوم ودرس اعتبره من اجميل الدروس
رغم ان محتواه بسيط وسهل تطبيقه , بس في نفس الوقت الدرس دا بيهم
المحترفين واللمبتدئين على حد سواء فهي طرق يقصدها كل من الطرفين من منا لا يريد 
جهاز اسرع في الاداء اسرع في العمل جهاز بدون اخطاء لذا قرر فريقنا الكريم العمل بشكل علمي 
مرتب للوصول الىاقل الطرق واقصرها فعاليه في توفير اكثر الطرق فاعلية للعمل على الوصول الى
جهاز صحي وامن من الاخطاء نتوكل على الله ونشوف مع بعض

عرض عام لاسباب المشكلة
الطرق المتبعة لعلاج المشكلة
النتائج بعد تطبيق الحلول المقترحه
تحذيرات وتنبيهات متصله بالموضوع
مرفقات الموضوع
الدعاء الى الله لعله يستجيب منا

عرض عام لاسباب المشكلة
المشكله دي بتتعدد الاسباب فيها ولكن دعونا نبعد عن امكانيات الجهاز
من حيث العتاد hardware ولكن سوف يكون الضوء مسلط اكثر الى موضوع
الاسباب المتعلقه بنظام التشغيل او الجزئ البرمجي عموما software حيث ان
السبب الرئيسي لمعظم الاخطاء والتهنيجات المتختلف وتعدد فشل نظام التشغيل راجع لعدد من النقاط .
__________________________________________________ _

الاضافات الغير هامه على نظام التشغيل.
حيث ان البرامج الاضافيه والغير هامه
مثل ال
sidebare والموضوعات themsوغيرها من البرامج التجميلية
تكون لها كبير الاثر في حدوث اكبر من الاخطاء والثقل العام للجها

عدم تنظيف مخلفات النظام.
عدم القيام بتنظيف مخلفات النظام من مفاتيح رجستري
وملفات مؤقته يعد كاهل على عتق الجهاز فكثرة المخلفات
تكثر معها تعدد رسائل الخطاء و فشل التظام بوجه عام
عدم الصيانة الدورية للنظام
حيث ان تاخر عملية الصيانه للنظام هي من اكبر المشاكل
التي تؤدي الىفشل في وظائف النظام بوجه عام وليس الثقل فقط
بل ممكن ان يؤدي الى فشل نظام تشغيلك

الطرق المتبعه في علاج المشكلة
قد نقسم الطرق المتبعة الى قسمين
خواص في نظام التشغيل
وهي برامج وخواص عن طريقها سوف نصل
الى حد معقول من الثبات والسرعه التي نرجوها

برامج وادوات صيانة
وهي ادوات وبرامج بسيطه تسعدنا على صيانة
وتنظيف مخلفات النظام والعمل على اصلاح القيم التالفة

خواص في نظام التشغيل

اولا دعونا نعترف ان مايكرو سوفت لم تترك
للبرامج الخارجيه الكثير ولم تترك نظام التشغيل الذي تملكه windows بدون ما تفكر
في ادراج ادوات صيانه داخليه يمكنك من خلالها العمل على اعادة الجهاز الى وضيعه سليمه
بدون اخطاء فدعونا نتعرف على هذه البرامج العملاقه والتي يجهلها البعض او لا يفكر بها..

تفحص وصيانة الاقراص الصلبة ( hard disk )

الغاء التجزئة | Disk
مايكرو سوفت ادرجت برنامج خاص بالغاء التجزئة لكن علشان تعرف يعني ايه
الغاء التجزئة وازاي نتعامل معها انا شرحتلكم الموضوع صوت وصورة للتسهل على الناس
تفحص الاقراص | chkdsk
هي عملت صيانه البارتشن عن طريق
برنامج مدمج مع الوندوز طريقه سريعه في الفيديو الي عملتهولكم دا
تنظيف الاقراص | disk cleaning
تنظيف البرتشنات من مخلفات النظام
من تسطيب برامج- تصفح الانترنت -..الخ
اعداد تنظيف المتصفح
برنامج تنظيف المخلفات
مجلد الملفات المؤقتة
مجلد الملفات المستعرضه
يحتوي هذا المجلد على كل الملفات التي قمت بفتحها


برامج وادوات صيانة

مجموعة من ادوات الصيانة التي تساعدك على
تنظيف مخلفات النظام والتخلص من القيم التالفة وهي برامج احترافيه
تحتوي على عدد كبير من الخواص التي نفتقدها في البرامج المدمجة مع الوندو
برنامج افهم | cleaner

تعريف البرنامج وفكرة عمله

لعل الكثير منا لاحظ ان الكثير منا يقدم على البحث
عن طرق تسريع الكمبيوتر وكثيرا ما يلجأ الى استخدام برامج الصيانة وما اكثرها
هذه الايام حيث تعدد الوظائف والمهام والميزات المتنوعه ولكن هل انت واثق انها فعلا تقم بعملها !هل انت واثق انه قد تغير الحال بتثبيتك برنامج قرابه 50 او 60 MG لعل هذا السؤال يدخلنا في جدل نحن في غنى عنه الان ولكن اردت فقط ان ابرز ان معظم هذه البرامج تبعد بنا عن الفكره الاساسة التي اردنها منها ومن هنا جاءت فكرة عمل CLEANER لكي يكون برنامج سهل في التعامل يضمن الحرفيه الكامله في الوظيفه التي صمم من اجلها ولكي يساعدك بالفعل لتكون اسرع
>>> لمتابعة باقي التفاصيل اضغط هنــا

من اشهر البرامج واقوها انصحكم بستخدامه يا شباب
التحميل من احدى الروابط التالة
- Download from FileHippo.com
- Download from Piriform.com
ادوات وبرامج منوعة
الاده الاروع على الاطلاق في التخلص من الكويكز

أداة لتنظيف قائمة بدا التشغيل | منظف مخلفات برنامج idm

اداة memtest لفحص الرامات |التحكم في اضافة الوندوز

تحذيرات وتنبيهات متصله بالموضوع
الدرس سهل وليس له اضرار
اذا لم تكن متاكد من خطوه لا تقدم عليها
اذا ترددت او لم تفهم اكتبلنا علشان نجاوبك
نحن نبرئ زمتنا امام الله من اي استخدام خطأ للدرس
اذا كنت شايف في نقطه خطأ او ضاره اكتب علشان نناقشك
الخطوات متاحه على كافة انظمة التشغيل من نوع windows
بامر الله يكون للموضوع توسع اكبر وشرح اعمق في القريب العاجل

الدعاء الى الله لعله يستجيب منا
(رَبَّنَا لاَ تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِن نَّسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا رَبَّنَا وَلاَ تَحْمِلْ عَلَيْنَا إِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهُ عَلَى
الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِنَا رَبَّنَا وَلاَ تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لاَ طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَا أَنتَ مَوْلاَنَا فَانصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ)

تم بحمد لله وفضله
تنفيذ واعداد فريق | بلووشي
جزاهم الله عنا خير
تقديم وتنسيق | افهم كمبيوتر

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